Time Management Secrets of a Successful Protective Coating Specialist
Time waits for no man, least of all protective coating specialists. You’re on-site most of the day, and then you need to compile reports to send to clients before you can finish in the evening. So how is it that some protective coating contractors and inspectors have so much time on their hands, while others always seem to be working?
The answer is digital reporting with IRIS – Intelligent Reporting Inspection Software.
What is digital reporting?
When you are working in the field, you need to take notes and photos to monitor progress of work. The report that you create from these helps you and others to understand the work that has been done or needs to be done.
A digital report structures all your notes and photos into a standardised format, without the need for hours of manual manipulation. You simply point and click, choosing a pre-defined template in which to deliver your report.
How you work now – time-consuming paperwork
The usual way of working on-site is to take notes and photos, and then compile a report later.
Producing the report usually involves typing up your notes in longer format and adding your images once you have downloaded them.
Your notes are written on a pad. How many times have you had to decipher your own handwriting? Or, worse, found that the ink has run in the rain, or been spattered with paint while on-site?
If your handwriting isn’t the best in the world, especially when working fast, you may need to work harder than a Bletchley Park decoder to decipher the important details.
Then there’s another common problem: while you’re typing away, if you forget to press the Save button you’ll need to start again.
It’s not unusual for reports to take a couple of hours to compose.
IRIS – digital efficiency
Coating contractors and inspectors who work the IRIS way work a little differently.
As you undertake your daily duties, instead of taking manual notes that must be written up later, you enter these direct into IRIS. The same with your photos – point, click, direct.
All you need to do when you have finished for the day is to select the template you wish to use, click ‘Load’ and then click ‘Send’. Your job is done.
Better still, if you are connected to the internet, you could also send details to the client at any time during their inspection to benefit from real-time reporting and collaboration.
IRIS – an invaluable time management tool
Though it is not its primary function, as a time management tool IRIS is invaluable for protective coating specialists.
IRIS helps you to complete all your paperwork effectively and efficiently. Reports take seconds to produce, meaning you get to spend more time doing the things you want to do – as well as having more time to complete more work.
Additionally, by using IRIS your reports are produced consistently and professionally – and that is going to impress clients and ensure your standards never slip.
In the digital age, IRIS is the solution that gives contractors and inspectors the most valuable gift of all: time. That’s something you can’t put a price on – though it is less than the cost of a coffee and cake a week.
IRIS – your secret to effective time management in protective coating projects
IRIS has been developed specifically for protective coating contractors and inspectors. Reports created within IRIS conform to all current standards, and changes in these standards are maintained within the system.
IRIS is the tool that could revolutionise your business and your time. To learn more about the many benefits of IRIS, www.iris-reporting.com